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The Cajun Media Catalog
Red Fishing In Louisiana With Capt. Ryan Lambert
Bodacious Bulls - Capt Blair Wiggins travels to Buras Louisiana to fish for redfish with Capt Ryan Lambert and Cajun Fishing Adventures. #louisianaredfish #louisianafishing
Amazing Day Fishing For Redfish In Venice Louisiana
Scott and I got invited down to Venice Louisiana for a Media event with trophy Redfish as our main target. This place was amazing. Giant redfish everywhere and fun times with Captain Ryan Lambert of Cajun Fishing Adventures, one of the top fishing destinations in the US. I can't put into words how much fun we had.
Cast N Blast
Cajun Adventures owner Ryan Lambert takes the crew deep into the southern marshes of Buras, Louisiana for a little late season cast n blast action.
Louisiana Multi-Species Fishing | Catch N Cook
In this episode, I go fishing for tripletail, redfish, spadefish, trout and black drum in Louisiana with my good friend Captain Blake from Tripletail Charters and later we have a Catch N Cook at Cajun Fishing Adventures.
Venice Christmas Fishing on Castin' Cajun
Catching Christmas fish, green and red, bass and red fish” today on Castin’ Cajun, says Ryan Lambert of Cajun Fishing Adventures. Ryan is fishing with Tony and Co-host Tony Chachere out of Venice, Louisiana. The afternoon was successful with a fish on almost every cast. Cajun Fishing Adventures, Voted by Sport Fishing magazine as one of the top-5 fishing lodges in North America.
Experience A True Cajun Adventure

Fishing & Hunting Trips
The Mississippi River Delta is widely recognized as a one of the top fisheries worldwide – both inshore & offshore. One of the many reasons “North America’s Largest River, the Mississippi, is drainage for 37% of all North America feeds the Delta with nutrient-rich freshwater. This creates a massive Louisiana inshore fishing nursery for the base food sources that all of the wildlife need that inhabit in and around the Delta. Because of the unmatched food source, gamefish of all species gravitate toward the Delta and some even call it home. Our stretch of the Delta represents nearly 14% of all US wetlands.

The Plaquemines parish portion of the Delta represents 14% of the entire nation’s wetlands in 1 location. This wide variety that makes up a very large estuary is both a full-time home to many animal species and a migratory, or a part-time home to a vast number of other animals. Due to the very rich food source the Delta provides, it cultivates massive numbers & species of birds. Large numbers of wading birds can be found throughout the Delta. Thousands and thousands of many duck species migrate to and through the Delta for a wintertime home. A large number of fur-bearing animals inhabit the Delta with most spending their entire life around the marshes. Deer, coyotes, muskrats, otters, rabbit, raccoons, nutria, pigs and other mammals are a visual bonus when on a tour.